Tuesday 7 January 2014

Conventions, Producer and Target Audience

I plan to use the main conventions when regarding my images and my front cover. The colour palette that I have decided to use will be quite neutral – with a few bright colours – but effective nonetheless. The images would be in colour and I plan to use a main image and a few sub-images on my front cover, as most magazines use one main image with several smaller images. However, I will avoid cluttering my front cover to make it seem more professional looking – I will use coverlines and subheadings also. Certain textual elements will reinforce the genre of the magazine, along with colloquial lexis which will suit my wide audience.  For my Contents page, I will use the masthead of the magazine as the title of the page - seen in Kerrang! which my magazine is based on. I will also use images to represent the main articles - also seen in Kerrang! and also NME. As for my Double Page Spread, I will use pull quotes to indicate important quotes in the article - possibly using the pull quote as my article title. Like most magazines, I will use drop caps at the beginning of my article and anchors on any smaller images that I may use. As Evarose are a quite girly rock band, I will use a colour palette to reflect this.

If my magazine was distributed in the real world, I think the producer would be Bauer Media - Bauer Media produce both Kerrang! Magazine, along with Q – two popular music magazines. I would consider my magazine to a Kerrang! based, magazine, however with both old and new music. Kerrang! Magazine is one of the biggest selling rock magazines worldwide, with their target audience being teenagers and young adults. I have decided that, by combining newer and older music, my target audience will teenagers and above which I believe would create a good selling point -  being aimed at a large audience.  

In my survey, I found that both males and females read music magazines, so my magazine will be aimed at both genders. I will make it appeal to them by featuring both male and female artists in the magazine and on the front cover and making it a neutral-based colour scheme. As for characteristics that the target audience will have, the younger teenage and young adults will likely – as they are interested in music – will most likely socialise with friends over music, going to concerts together. I would make sure that there is coverage on new and unsigned bands, not only would it create awareness for upcoming bands, but younger audiences would be more likely to attend concerts of those bands as tickets would be affordable – usually less than £10. In addition, younger people tend to be more accepting of newer bands. Female audiences would most likely be interested in shopping, so if my magazine was to be distributed to the real world, I feel that it would be worthwhile to add in a page advertising online clothing companies – possibly with discount offers, exclusive to those who purchased the magazine. As males are stereotypically known to enjoy video games, it would be worthwhile – if my magazine was to be distributed to the real world – to add in a section of new video game reviews - again, if possible, having discount codes if the audiences were to buy the game online from a certain company.

Outlets that I believe would be interested in selling my magazine include music stores – such as HMV – and book stores – like WHSmiths who sell a variety of music magazines.  Supermarkets such as ASDA, Morrisons, and Tesco sell music magazines, therefore I believe my magazine would distribute well in those types of shops. As mentioned above, I believe Bauer Media would be interested in distributing my magazine as they distribute other music magazines, however a small percentage cover older music so I feel that my magazine would complement the company. For places such as certain areas of the USA, a digital copy of the magazine would be available to buy online.

1 comment:

  1. Abbie, you have produced a very good written overview of what you plan to achieve with your magazine, showing your understanding of magazine conventions, and an awareness of the possible 'real world' publishers, and your target audience. You have made links to real word media texts, and you have given reasons to support your design choices. Well done!
