Thursday 17 October 2013

Preliminary Task Flat Plans

I have created two flat plans for my magazine cover and contents page on Microsoft Publisher. Below are the flat plans and some information about them.
Magazine Cover

For my magazine cover, I plan to have my layout as above. My Masthead will feature at the very top of the page - spreading across the whole width as it will easily catch attention - it will also be brightly coloured.  My cover lines will be at the left of the page going down the page - they are also some cover lines at the bottom of the page - this is to tell readers what can be found in the magazine. My main image will take up most of the page to grab attention - it will also let readers know what the main article of the magazine will be. Covering the bottom of the main image is the Main Cover line and Sub-heading, as does the image, these allow readers to know what the main article is about. I have featured a Skyline above the Masthead which will be an advertisement. Finally, at the bottom right of the page is the bar code and essential information, this allows readers to know about the price of the Magazine, along with the website.

Contents Page

My Contents page will follow the same format as the Cover, with the same colour scheme to follow the theme. I have decided for my Contents page, the Masthead used on the cover will feature at the top left of the Contents page as I feel that using the title 'Contents' isn't necessary. Below the Masthead will be the main image - a similar image to that on the Cover of the magazine - leading readers to the same article. Below the main image is two other images that will be for less important articles; the reason for this is that it advertises other articles and by using visual examples it will attract more people to those article. Going down the right side of the page in a column will be the Contents, listing article names and page numbers, this is to guide people to each page.
Below the images I will have a brief letter from the editor which allows people to get to know the editor and the reasons behind each article. Finally, below the editors letter I will have an advertisement as it is commonly found in magazines. 

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