Thursday 5 December 2013

Coursework Stage 2 Planning

Proposal Form

Describe your idea for the brief:
I have decided to create a rock magazine with both older and newer rock bands – I will create a front cover, contents page and double page spread. The target audience will be around 14-40 year olds. I will use typical conventions found in a magazine.
Genre/ sub genre: list similar texts which have inspired your thoughts
The genre of the magazine will be both modern and classic rock – I have used the layout of Kerrang! and Rock Sound as inspiration for the presentation of the double page spread and contents page.
Target audience: gender/ age/ characteristics/ behaviour
The target audience of my magazine will be teenagers and above – there will be no specific age limit to the magazine due to the wide variety of rock genre eras that I will cover. However,the main audience will most likely 13-40 year olds as theyare more likely to buy a magazine with more modern rock music along with the older stuff. Due to this older target audience, I will not need to use excessive amounts of bright colours; however I will use bright colours where necessary.
Major conventions On my front cover I will use a masthead, main image, main coverline, sub-headings, essential information – barcode, website, price – other images and possibly a skyline. I have chosen to use these as they commonly feature on a front cover of a magazine and are essential to ‘sell’ the product. For my double page spread I will use a dominant image along with smaller images in which I will add an anchor to them all. I will also use pull-quotes to draw the readers in, a strap line below the article title and drop caps in order to indicate where the article begins.
Conventions I have decided that I will use most basic conventions when creating my magazine. However, I do not want to use too many conventions to make my work look over the top.
Original images: I will use images that I have taken of my friends posing as band members – e.g Evarose. To get the best lighting I will either take the images outside using natural sunlight or in a studio if possible. Also, by taking the photos outside, I have a variety of places to use as the background in the shots – e.g landscape shots.
Potential difficulties/ Plan B: When creating my magazine I may experience problems when using the computers – e.g photoshop not working correctly. I will overcome this by backing up my work at home and working at home whenever possible – this depends on the work load that I may have at the time. Also, when arranging to take photos of my friends, they may not turn up leaving me with no photos for my magazine. I will overcome this by having a backup plan – such as taking photos at college when my friends are available.


1 comment:

  1. Abbie, this is a good overview of your plan for your music magazine, you have given due thought to your target audience, genre and ideas for the images you plan to include in your product, as well as highlighting potential difficulties.
