Friday 11 April 2014

Evaluation Question 7

What do you feel you have learnt in the progression from creating the school magazine to creating your music magazine?
Here is my final front cover and my preliminary task front cover.


The image on the left is my Preliminary Task - a college magazine. I found that there was several things wrong this front cover which I have made sure to address when creating my actual magazine. One feature that overall decreases the aesthetics of the front cover is the image itself. The image, due to it having two potential subjects, does not clearly show what it wants the audience to focus on - the model or the sculpture. This factor makes the overall front cover look empty. In addition, I chose colours that didn't compliment eachother - showing no clear signs of a "house style" for the magazine - which most magazines have. The overall layout of the font is both unprofessional and random; the use of the exclamation points make the cover look almost childish. Also, there is no clear structure to the coverlines and the overall wording of them is uninteresting and boring.

 I have learnt several things whilst creating my final cover, one of which being the importance of a good quality image as the main cover image. In my preliminary task, the subject of the image - the model - is not entirely in view, creating an empty look to the cover. In addition, the photo itself wasn't of great quality and therefore using photoshop in order to edit anything that may be wrong with an image - e.g lighting - can completely change the way an image looks - potentially making it look more professional.
Another thing that I learnt was using shapes in order to give text a background colour helps them stand out more- therefore grabbing the attention of the audience if in a shop with other magazines. In my preliminary task, I used colours that didn't compliment each other which made them seen out of place. With my final front cover, I made sure that I used a set colour scheme of colours that complimented each other, doing so gives my magazine a "house style" that is easy recognizable.
Apart from the main image on the front cover, one of the main features that you notice first of a magazine is the masthead. Therefore, when looking at the mastheads of magazines that already exist - e.g Kerrang! - I could instantly tell what the genre of music magazine it was. Learning this allowed me to find a font that was suitable for the genre of my magazine - old and modern rock music.


My overall contents page for my Preliminary task seemed lacking in detail and overall uninteresting. Although the issue number, date and magazine title are all on the page, the overall page is unprofessional. In terms of the photographs, neither one relates to any of articles and none have a caption to tell the readers what the image is of. In terms of my page numbers, for a magazine, having only 20 pages is too little and in those pages, there won't be enough articles to gather an audience. In addition, the page is mostly empty space, adding to the fact it looks unprofessional.
When making my contents page, I learnt the importance of the layout of the main body of the contents page - the articles and page numbers - by having a column slightly out of line created an unprofessional, rushed look to the overall page. I also learnt that the images need to have some form of caption in order to allow readers to know who the artist is and what article/feature they appear in. Like with my Preliminary task, I included my masthead at the top of the page - relating back to my front cover. In terms of colour scheme, I followed the same colour scheme for what I used on my front cover - furthering the point of creating a house style that the magazines audiences would be able to recognize.

Overall, my final magazine, I believe, was much more successful than my Preliminary task due to the knowledge gained in between creating my Preliminary task and my final music magazine. By using Photoshop to create the magazine, I developed and learnt different techniques that help make my magazine look more professional. When researching actual magazines, I was able to gather an insight of knowledge on how a magazine should be laid out and conventions commonly used in a music magazine.

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