Thursday 20 March 2014

Double Page Spread: 20/03/14

I added in my article to the double page spread. I decided to use 3 columns to fill the space. I used both black and the same pink colour that I previously used to indicate what is a question and an answer. 

I added in a drop-cap to indicate where the main article starts. 

I included another pull quote to fill the space. 

Double Page Spread: 20/03/14

I added in a custom shape and the words "Exclusive" inside in my house colours to left of the top of the page. 
I added a similar custom shape to the right of the page in order to fill space and continue with the style

I added the page numbers to the bottom of my page

I used a pull quote for my header. I added a stroke to the text to get the pink outline. 

To give the pull quote more depth, I added in shapes behind it - in the same pink colour. I erased selected areas to get this effect. 

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Double Page Spread Image

This is my image for my double page spread. I separated it from my background and airbrushed it to add makeup effects. I then created a gradient background and added my image to it. I added a drop shadow to the right side of the image to add effect.

Thursday 13 March 2014


This is my article:

DANNIKA WEBBER may be new to the magazine,
but she isn’t new to the music industry. But even in
this day, she informs us that being a woman in the
rock industry can be tough at times...
EVAROSE are only one of many
 all-girl rock bands, formed in the
past few years. We caught up with
vocalist DANNIKA to find out whether
being a woman in the rock industry
is still as tough as it has always been...

When did you decide that you wanted
to be in the music industry?
“It was never just a sudden decision
to become a rockstar, I’ve wanted to
be one for as long as I can remember.”

Did your parents have any influence
on your decision?
“My parents would play me a lot of
classic rock music as a child. My
childhood was hearing my parents
play Queen and other older bands.
If it wasn’t for my parents, I wouldn’t
have discovered the bands
influence me now.”

Were your parents supportive
of your decision to become
a rockstar.?
“I was lucky that my parents
were very supportive of my decision.
My parents are my biggest fans.”

Who are your curent influences?
“My influences are what everyone
 is listening to right now.I listen
to a lot of modern rock.
Bands such as The Used, My
Chemical Romance, Taking Back
Sunday, etc are my current

Have you found that your gender
has affected the way people look
at your band?
“Being in an all-girl rock band is
tough. But we’ve been incredibly
lucky that our fans have stuck
with us no matter what. We’ve
only ever encountered sexist
hate over the internet. But let’s
be honest - sending hate over the
internet is childish. You can only

Was there a particular moment
in your career when you knew
that, as a band, you had made it?
“Hearing our fans sing the lyrics
back to us was a special moment.
Although, nothing beats the feeling of the first night of our first ever
headline tour. At that moment, we
all looked at eachother and were
all thinking the same thing.
Knowing that we’ve built up a
big enough fanbase to have
our own headline tour is
such an amazing feeling.”

What are the plans for the future
of Evarose?
“We’re currently writing and
recording our first full-length
album which is exciting. It’s hard
to tell what is in the future for
Evarose, but we love what we do
and can only hope that our first
album is not our last.
We’re really excited to be
looking into touring beyond the
U.K and meeting as many of our
fans as possible. We love our
The EPs “Creation Divide” and
“Elements” can be found on

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Contents Page: 11/03/14

I changed the Contents bubble to an arrow to link in with the other arrows on the page. 

I also moved everything further up the page to create less blank spaces. I made sure that the top of each columns were in line and straight. I added in black lines to separate each section from the previous. 

Thursday 6 March 2014

Contents Page: 06/03/14

I continued to create the main body of my contents page.
I found that I had to change my page numbers so I could count
my front cover as page 1. 

I changed the image from my contents page so that there was no text, but two separate photos relating to articles/features in the magazine. I added in two arrows - in the house-style colour - and added information about the images into them. 

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Improving my Front Cover

I made a few changes to my front cover
I changed the date to a weekly date

I capitalised Green Day like the rest of the bands mentioned on the coverlines.

I increased the size of the background for the masthead to made it equal on both sides.

I changed the price to a more-weekly price for a magazine. 

I edited the skyline to try and even out the spaces between the artists and the stars.


Photo editing: 04/03/14

I used photoshop to separate my image for my contents page from the background. I then airbrushed it to correct the lighting, in addition to adding makeup to match the front cover image. I used the Dodge tool to brighten up the hair of my model. 

Contents Page: 04/03/14

I started my Contents Page with a white background. 

I created a skyline.

I created a bubble using the custom tools and added in the word "Contents" to it. 
I edited an image of my model from my Double-page spread from the background and airbrushed it to add makeup. I then put it on a grey gradient background and added it to my contents page. 

I started creating the main body of my contents page - I put the title in the house style red colour with a house style grey as a block background so that it stands out. 
I added text to my image.